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Science Syllabus SY:19-20

Dr. Kristal Blacksmith

Contact information:
Email: [email protected]
Phone: 808-883-6808 ext. 243
Room: G-102
Check grades at:
Grades will be from tests, quizzes, projects, labs, and daily class assignments. Late work will not receive full credit. Students will write their homework in their planner daily.
A= 90-100 B= 80-89 C= 70-79 D= 60-69 F= 50-59

Course overview and standards addressed: 
6th & 7th grade Earth Science will be using the next-generation science standards (NGSS) , Hawaii state science standards, and the Hawaii general learner outcomes. In addition, curriculum and instruction will work to address 21st-century skills.
Behavioral Expectations:
Students are expected to follow the three personal standards at all times: 1. Show respect 2. Make Good Decisions. 3. Solve Problems
Students are expected to have a binder, school supplies, and science notebook every class along with scissors, glue , tape and colored pencils.

Students will conduct and design experiments throughout the year. They will be using many different tools and science equipment. Failure to follow the safety contract may result in the removal from the laboratory equipment with an alternate assignment provided.


I am soooo excited to "see" you all this exciting and challenging year!  We will learn about science- the most exciting subject ever!!!!  Please refer to Blackboard for all future announcements!  

Please go to the appropriate Google Classroom for updates

Hello Navigators!  Please navigate to the appropriate Google Classroom for the period you are in for my classes.  All updates are posted there as needed.  Feel free to email me with any questions or concerns.  Have a great rest of the school year!

Hello All!

Hello...and welcome to our classroom blog space!  

Please subscribe to our blog by clicking the 'Subscribe' button on the top right side of this page. You will automatically be  notified by email every time I post an update, announcement, or new event that you need to know.

 Please check Google Classroom for the weekly assignments- this is my main springboard for the work this year.  You all are already in a period so just check in Mondays, Wednesdays, and Fridays.  Please feel free to email me or contact me via Teacher Ease.  

For example: work the for week of April 7th is as follows (copied from Google Classroom):  

Go to:  

Watch the 9 minute video while answering these questions: 

  1. How many miles an hour is the “myth” about how fast a sneeze can travel?  __________ 
  2. How fast is the “myth” about how far a sneeze can travel? __________ 
  3. Should you try this experiment at home? __________ 
  4. What do Adam and Jamie sniff to sneeze?  ____________________ 
  5. How fast was Adam’s sneeze? __________ 
  6. How fast was Jamie’s sneeze?__________ 
  7. How far did Adam’s sneeze go? __________ 
  8. How far did Jamie’s sneeze go?__________ 
  9. Was their myth on how fast a sneeze can travel confirmed or denied? __________ 
  10. Was their myth on how far a sneeze can travel confirmed or denied?__________ 

Scientific method comic strip due NOW!

The project information is on page 22 in the students' interactive notebook.  It counts as a 70 point project grade. I am hoping to see awesome work!  We have been working on it all week in class.