Vickery, R » 4th grade Team Vickery

4th grade Team Vickery

Welcome to our fabulous 4th grade Team Vickery blog!


Last day of 2019-2020 School Year:) Surviving a Pandemic

Aloha Team Vickery Students and Ohana, 
 It's so hard to end a year full of 4th grade learning and adventures.
Mahalo NUI  to Parents for keeping your student engaged in online learning and encouraging them during this time. Your support means so much. 
Students: I'm SO proud of all of you! WE did this together and you survived a pandemic. I wish you a fun and peaceful summer filled with adventures, sunshine and wonder. See you next year:)
Aloha no, Ms. Vickery

Google Meets on May 27th @10:00

Aloha Team Vickery,
Tomorrow, May 27th will be our last Google Meets @10:00. I hope to see all of you there:) 

See you at 10:00!

Summer Camp is being offered at Waikoloa School. Check out our school website for more information.

Bag Pickup

Aloha Parents and Students, 
We thought we had the OK to have you pick up your stuff at our classroom, but we were mistaken. All students bags are now at the office, you may pick them up there...:)

Library Books Due

Please bring your library books to school and drop them off in the bin across the office. NOT in front of the entrance to the library, the book return across the office. Thanks! See you this Friday between 9:00-11:00am,  if you want to pick up your stuff from our classroom:)

Friday May 15, pick up your stuff from I-203

Girls and Boys, I will be at our classroom at 9:00-11:00 this Friday, May 15.  Please come and pick up your supplies from our classroom. We can say a quick hello, no touching, wear a mask, and this will be brief. Parents can pick up as well. 

May 13, see you at 10:00

See you on Google Meets at 10! Don't forget you sign into Google classroom first then GO to Meets in the waffle...

Happy Tuesday

Good Morning Team Vickery,
I have been busy in our classroom and it is SO weird to be there without YOU! I've been bagging your things from your desk and cubbies and cleaning our classroom, wish you were there with me.
The administrators will decide when, where and how you can pick up your stuff. Look for a message or a ROBO call home from them. 
See you tomorrow at 10:00!

May 4th!

Aloha Students, 
This week we will add a Scholastic News to our weekly assignments. Remember there are two journal entries, half page each, due weekly. 
Don't forget to check out your resource teacher pages for activities. 

Wednesday April 29, 2020

Good Morning Team Vickery, 
We will be meeting at 10:00 this morning. For those of you who are still trying to connect, make sure you are signed into your Google account FIRST. Remember that's your lastname-and first letter of your first name, then [email protected]. There are NO spaces between letters. If you have forgotten your password, look in your planner as we wrote it there. Email me if you forgot your password and I will send it to you. See you at 10!

Aloha Kakhiaka kakou

Happy Monday Morning Team Vickery,
Are you adding to your journal? Every week there are two journal entries due. Please add to your original document using a new date. You are writing about your "stay at home" time and what you are accomplishing. Don't forget its a half page.
Make sure you are checking out your resource teachers pages. See Ms. Amber, Ms,. Cabutahe, Ms. Benson, Mr. Jeffryes, and soon Makua Lani's page. Each teacher will have activities for you to do.
Email me if you have any questions and I will see you on Wednesday morning at 10:00 on Google Meets.

Code: 21456
Deadline for Online order is April 25th

Team Vickery meet this Wednesday at 10:00 :)

April 22, 2020 We will meet again. Please join us. Don't forget to log into your Google classroom for more information:)